Monday, May 24, 2010

Concept sketches 2

One of the things i wanted to accomplish during this project was to incorperate original photography using my shiny new camera!

I have decided on chapter 2 "survelance" in which i will photograph a sequence "following" an individual through a cityscape using the angles of survelance cameras. this coupled with some mixed digital media to make it a bit more wacked out (like my big brother seen below) should make for an interesting 4 page spread.

Inspirational photography

low-res concept for a "big brother" character for use in chapter 1, possibly chapter 3.

Above: Concept for chapter 1 "safer is better"

(after using this blog for a bit i realize that it is crap to use, and i really need to find something new)

1984 concepts

Though this is not a permanent home for my work i will for communications sake be posting my first round of concepts for my accompanying booklett for Margret Noble's "George Orwell 1984 electronic music remix album for Amnesty International"